You are in the right place,
at the right time, in the right form,
the right opportunity,
right here and now,
to awaken to your eternal nature.
An Invitation to Freedom is a profoundly clear and direct pointing leading to Self-realisation. If you are longing for this and the urge to be free is alive and compelling, this Invitation is for you. In this radiantly alive audiobook, Mooji guides us into the recognition of the infinite Self that we are. Follow his guidance and make the greatest discovery of your life.
Here you can find out about upcoming events with Mooji. Many events with Mooji can also be joined online via live broadcasting.
Sahaja Express is where Mooji's most direct and intimate spontaneous talks are shared
Sahaja Express is not for the merely curious but for those beings who are in a state of discipleship with Satsang deeply embedded in the heart. If you are already following the Master's guidance and seeing his pointings bearing fruit, then Sahaja Express is for you.