Mooji Mooji

Terms and Conditions

Find here all our policies and guidelines concerning the use of our websites, purchasing of products, and attending physical events.

General Terms and Conditions

Find here all our policies and guidelines concerning the use of our websites, purchasing of products, and attending physical events.

September 2023

1. Introduction
If you use the Website you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

1. and all the services provided via (including free and paid media content such as but not limited to Sahaja Express service, live (online and/or broadcast) Online Events/Retreats and their recordings, and audio, video, audio-video, written and photographic content) (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the “Website”) is the official website, owned by Mooji Media Ltd. and jointly operated by Mooji Media Ltd. and Associação Mooji Sangha (hereafter “us”/ “we”/ “our(s)”), in order to provide a media platform for all audio, video, and audio-video, including the broadcast and streaming of the events/retreats with Mooji (Anthony Paul Moo-Young).

2. While using the Website, either by browsing, visiting or accessing any of the Website tabs, by registering on the Website or submitting any material, sending us emails or using any of the Website materials and services (including our subscription based service Sahaja Express and Online Retreats/Events), you agree to the terms and conditions provided herein (“Terms and Conditions”).

3. If you register to any of our events using the Website, please take into account that these Terms and Conditions apply in addition to the specific Terms and Conditions for the Events (“Specific Terms and Conditions”). Our events include, but are not limited to, Sunday Satsangs, Retreats, Intensives, Satsangs, Guest Visit Program, Day Visit Program, Sangha Sunday, Online Meetings and Seva Program (“the Events”).

4. Do not use the Website or any part thereof in a manner not expressly permitted by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to any of the Terms and Conditions please refrain from using the Website and the services provided herein.

5. If you come to a physical event or retreat organized by Associacao Mooji Sangha and/or any other related entity please be aware you will be subject to a different set of Terms and Conditions in addition to these Terms that focus on the use of the Website.

2. Copyright notice
The materials on this Website are copyrighted. They are available for your personal use only (not commercial use). You shall use the Website in good faith.

1. This Website, its layout, as well as all materials, including, but not limited to, audio, video, audio-video, written materials,photographs and graphical images in any format that are made public through the Website, including the broadcast, zoom events and/or streaming materials (“Content”) is copyrighted or protected by other intellectual property rights such as trademarks.

2. All the copyrights and other intellectual property rights on our Website are reserved. Your use of the Content does not assign you nor grant you any intellectual property rights whatsoever.

3. You may only use our Website for your own personal use. In particular, the Content cannot be used without prior written consent of Mooji Media Ltd. for commercial purposes (for example, for resale to others, in its original form, or any altered form and on any platform or in any media format, etc) and/or for non-commercial personal collective projects (such as, but not limited to, Facebook fan/group pages, YouTube channels, etc), or to share the account or the Online Event participation link with different persons, other than yourself. In this context, we reserve the right to make technical checks about the usage of the account and/or of the Online Event participation link provided following your registration, and to verify your identity. If, for any reasons, we identify that you disregarded this provision, we may limit the access to your account or refuse the Online event participation for both you and the third parties with which you shared the Online event participation link.

4. In particular, by registering to this Website and/or to Sahaja Express service and/or to an online retreat/event, you may:

  • view pages/content from the Website in a web browser
  • download pages/content from the Website for caching in a web browser
  • print pages/content from the Website
  • stream audio and video files from the Website; and
  • download audio and video files, photos as well as other files if and only when the Website makes such files available for download;

5. You agree to use this Website in good faith, for legal, respectful and generally trustworthy purposes.

6. In particular:

  • do not republish our Content (in full or in part on other websites, or on platforms such as Facebook or Youtube).If you wish to republish our content, you have to ask for written permission by contacting us at
  • do not sell, rent or sub-license our Content;
  • do not show any material from the Website in public without explicit permission; you may ask for permission by contacting us at
  • do not reproduce, duplicate or exploit our Content, in full or in part, in original or altered form, for a commercial purpose;
  • do not edit or otherwise modify our Content;
  • do not use the Website in any way that may damage the Website or its accessibility to the public (including but not limited to sending computer viruses or other malicious computer software);
    do not conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities including but not limited to data mining and data extraction on the Website;
  • do not send unsolicited commercial communications including direct marketing activity (including email marketing, SMS marketing, telemarketing and direct mailing) based on the information gathered on the Website;
  • ensure that all the information you supply to us through the Website, or in relation to the Website, is true, accurate, current, complete and non-misleading.
  • In case we consider that you breached any of the present Terms and Conditions, in a substantial way, we reserve the right to restrict access to areas of our Website, or to our whole Website, at our discretion; do not circumvent or bypass, or attempt to circumvent or bypass any access restriction measures on our Website. We will notify you about the access restriction, presenting you also the reasons that stay behind our decision.

7. For the Online satsang Events/Retreats, depending on the technical structure of the Event, you might be asked, as part of the Online Event/Retreat, to share your video and voice via an interactive online platform. Please note that these Online Events/Retreats are recorded, broadcasted and may be shared, at a later moment, with a wider public, either entirely or in parts, in a video, audio, or written form. Therefore, by deciding to attend our Online satsang Events/Retreats you do agree to share your video and audio as above provided, and you do agree that all the intellectual property rights that derive from such an Online satsang Event/Retreat are the entire and sole property of Mooji Media Ltd.

Registration and account

1. To be eligible for an individual account on the Website, you have to be 14 years of age or more. If you are younger than 14 years of age you have to provide us with written consent from a parent or legal guardian before registering your account, and/or before registering for an online retreat/event. Written consent and questions arising from it should be addressed by contacting us at

2. You may register for an account on our Website. On registering you will have a user ID and password. uses a third party vendor Woocommerce to administer accounts and process any orders. Depending on which services you are using, you may be asked to share some personal information with us so we can provide you with the appropriate services. Please consult our Privacy Policy for details.

3. We reserve the right to amend any and all aspects of the registration process, with your prior notification.

4. We detect your country based on your IP and using a third party service.

Account holder obligations:

1. Keep your user ID and password and/or if the case for the Online Event a link or access code, confidential.

2. Do not use any other person’s account to access the Website.

3. Do not share with anybody else your account details (and thereby give access to your account to another person).

4. Notify us in writing immediately if you become aware of an unauthorised use of your account on this Website.

5. As part of your account, you may have up to two different devices (e.g. laptop, cell phone) logged in at any time. If a third device logs in with your credentials, you may be automatically logged out on other devices.

6. You are responsible for any activity on our Website arising out of any failure to keep your password confidential, and may be held liable for any losses arising out of such a failure.

7. You are responsible to fulfill all the technical requirements listed on the Website in order to access the Website or different services offered on it (e.g. Sahaja Express, Online Events/Retreats). Please be aware we will not be able to offer any technical assistance in this regard other than indicating on our main/Online Event/Retreat page the technical requirements in order to attend the event.

8. You are responsible to follow all the prior guidance given in order to attend an Online Event/Retreat closely. In case you are invited to attend via interactive online platforms(e.g. Zoom, Skype etc) as part of the Online Event/Retreat, you are required to follow closely the instructions given by the technical support team, access the link given for the Online Event/Retreat in the indicated time frames provided. In case you access the interactive online platform link later than the time frame provided, we reserve our right to not allow you access anymore.

9. In case you are invited to attend via interactive online platforms (e.g. Zoom, Skype etc) as part of the Online Event/Retreat, you are required to have a decent and respectful behavior towards Mooji, the assistance team and the other participants. As the sole scope of the Online Event/Retreat is to be in a satsang environment focused on Self-discovery with Mooji, we will allow only genuine questions and interactions with Mooji, restraining yourself from advertising your own spiritual endeavours and personal projects (spiritual groups gatherings, facebook pages, websites, books, music albums etc). We reserve the right to restrict access to the Online Event/Retreat to anyone we deem to be in violation of this requirement.

5. Cancellation and Refund

1. For Online Retreats/Events:
For Online Retreats / Events, if you cancel your participation in a retreat for any reason, the cancellation policy below will apply:

a) If you cancel up to 48 hours before the start of the Online Event/Retreat, a full refund of the ticket fee will be given.

b) It is not possible to cancel within 48 hours before the start of the Online Event/Retreat; no refunds will be given for cancellation requests after this time.

c) Tickets are non-transferable, and as such it is not possible to sell, give or otherwise transfer your ticket to another person.

d) Please note that the fact that Mooji did not read the letter you provide us with by email or form, or if you are not selected via electronic lottery tool to enter into direct online contact with Mooji as part of the Online Event/Retreat, this does not entitle you to ask for a refund. Furthermore, if and when you are chosen through an electronic lottery to enter into direct online contact with Mooji, and you share your link with another person for any reason (e.g. technical difficulties, you are running late, favor to a friend, etc.), you may be denied access to the event and would not be entitled to a refund.

e) We reserve the rights to cancel, delay or move any Online Event/Retreat for any reason. Depending on each circumstance we may issue refunds or offer credits for future events as appropriate. In the event of a cancellation or delay of any Online Event/Retreat held by us, we are not responsible for any lost wages, accommodation costs, travel costs, cancellation fees or any other expenses you incurred in order to attend our Online Event/Retreat.

2. For Sahaja Express Service

a) You may cancel your Sahaja Express subscription anytime. However, the cancellation will be effective as of the end date of your current billing period and not on the date of your cancellation and you will not be entitled to a refund for any payment you have already made.

b) Annual plans: The renewal of the annual plan takes place automatically. Recurring annual charges can be canceled and refunded within 14 days of the credit card charge, in case a renewal charge takes place and you wish to cancel the renewal.

c) For any questions about cancellation and refunds concerning our paid above mentioned services provided via the Website, please send us an email by contacting us at

3. For Physical Events
1. If you cancel your participation in the Event for any reason, the cancellation policy below will apply:
If you cancel up to 31 days before the event you will receive a 75% refund.
If you cancel 30 days to 15 days before the event you will receive a 25% refund.
If you cancel 14 days to 0 days before the event you will not receive any refund.

2. A full refund may be requested for medical reasons (with a medical certificate) until 14 days after the Event has ended. After this date expires, we reserve our right to refuse any refund.

3. The above days are calendar days, not including the day on which the Event starts.

4. Please note that tickets are non-transferable, and as such it is not possible to sell, give or otherwise transfer your ticket to another person.

5. We reserve the rights to cancel, delay or move this or any event for any reason. In the event of a cancellation or delay of any event held by us, we are not responsible for any lost wages, accommodation costs, travel costs, cancellation fees or any other expenses you incurred in order to attend our event.

6. Warranty
There are no guarantees concerning the completeness, accuracy or availability of the Website.

1. You understand and agree that the Website is provided “as is” and “as available” without any explicit or implicit warranty. You access the Website and the Content at your own risk.

2. We do not warrant:

  • the completeness or accuracy of the information published on our Website;
  • the Content of the online event/retreat for which you registered, shall respond to your needs and/or expectations;
  • that the material on the Website is up to date; or
  • that the Website or any service on the Website will remain available.
  • We reserve the right to discontinue or alter any or all of our website services, and to stop publishing the Website, at any time in our sole discretion without notice or explanation. However, we will put our best efforts to keep our commitment to offering you with a good level of services

7. Waiver
You waive any claims against us resulting from your use of the Website and/or its Content and/or the online retreats/events. If you feel that the use of the Website and its Content including the Content of the online retreats/events and Sahaja Express Service causes you any damage, stop using the Website and its Content.

1. Unless otherwise specifically stipulated, you hereby agree to release and waive any claim and liability for any loss, any physical, psychological or psychiatric injury, any damage of any kind against us arising from:

a) your use of the Website, its Content and/or from the Content of the online retreats/events you registered for;

b) your use of the Content of this Website (including from the Content of Sahaja Express Service and the online retreats/events) and/or found on other media platforms such as Facebook or YouTube;

c) your inability to use the Website, including the Online Events/Retreats access or part of the Website and its Content at any given time;

d) interruptions, errors, deletions of any Content or the discontinuation of the Website in full or in part.

e) the fact that you disagree in any way with the Content of this Website (including the Content of Sahaja Express Service and/or the Content of any of our online retreats/events and/or the fact that you are not able to follow the live stream retreat/event due to any changes or adjustments to the announced schedule . As most of the online retreats/events shared on the Website are live events, adjustments of the schedule might occur. However, we do in most cases provide recordings for our online retreats/events to which you have access within the time limit communicated to you for each online retreat/event you register via our Website.

2. You agree that you will not bring any claim personally against our officers or employees in respect of any losses, injuries or damages you suffer in connection with the Website or these Terms and Conditions.

3. You hereby agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, your sole and exclusive remedy for any losses, injuries, damages, problems or dissatisfaction with the Website is to stop using the Website and the Content.

8. Indemnification

1. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including attorney fees and costs) arising out of: (1) your breach of these Terms and Conditions; (2) your (unlawful) use of the Website and its Content; and (3) your violation of any law.

2. The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this chapter and elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions, govern all liabilities arising under these Terms and Conditions or relating to the subject matter of these Terms and Conditions, including liabilities arising in contract, tort (including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty.

9. Medical disclaimer
Do not use the content, videos or information on the Website as medical advice.

1. The Satsang or Satsang related content provided on this website is not a replacement for any therapy or other medical treatment or diagnosis and is not meant as a substitute and/or replacement for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Do not rely on the content, videos or information on the Website as medical advice or as an alternative to medical advice. If you have a specific question on a medical matter you should consult your doctor and/or other regulated healthcare professional. You should not disregard professional medical advice or discontinue or change medical and or psychological and psychiatric treatment because of information on the Website.

2. You hereby agree that Associação Mooji Sangha, and any of their partners (Mooji—Mr. Anthony Paul Moo-Young, Mooji Foundation Ltd, Mooji Media Ltd.), their directors, officers, employees, helpers and agents, herein referred to as the Organisation or us/we/our, shall not be liable for any adverse physical, emotional or psychological effects arising from any of Mooji’s teachings during or after an Online Event/Retreat shared on this Website or in accessing any audio, video or written content available on this website and/or and through online meeting platforms such as but not limited to Zoom and skype. We cannot monitor your physical, emotional and psychological state. You understand that you are attending and/or watching a Satsang Event/Retreat with Mooji that may activate a physical, emotional, and/or psychological reaction. You take full responsibility for assessing and deciding to accept any risks you may incur as a result of your participation/watching of Satsang. You agree to fully take the liability for any injuries or damages you might experience arising out of your participation in and/or watching a Satsang Event/Retreat. If you are unsure about your capacity or capability to participate in an online event and/or follow the content offered on this website, you agree to first consult with a medical or other mental health clinician whether it is suitable for you, prior to participation.

3. Whenever an online event with is offered, you can find additional information about mental health on the event page. Please consult and follow these specific instructions prior to participating in the event.

10. Force Majeure

1. Force Majeure means any unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our normal control, which the consequences of could not have been avoided even when exercising all due care. Such circumstances or events include, but are not limited to, war, or threat of war, riot, civil unrest, industrial disputes or strikes, government mandated or recommended travel restrictions, quarantine, closures of geographic areas, transportation channels, and/or limits on large gatherings of people, unavoidable technical problems with the visa, transport, or closure or congestion of airports, widespread internet or electrical outages, terrorist activity, natural disasters, the spread of disease at any scale including but not limited to an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic, industrial disasters, fire, theft, flooding and adverse weather conditions. In the event of any of the above refunds or compensation payments cannot be made

2. Thus, in the unlikely situation of a Force Majeure event, before and/or during the Online or Physical Event/Retreat we reserve the right to stop the Event/Retreat or the offering of any one of our services on the Website without the possibility to be held liable for any damages you may encounter out of this Force Majeure event happening. In the event of a cancellation or delay of the Online or Physical Event/Retreat, or any other circumstance affecting any event held by us, we are not responsible for any lost wages, accommodation costs, travel costs, cancellation fees or any other expenses you incurred in order to attend our event.

11. Breaches of these terms and conditions
There are several measures we can take if you breach these Terms and Conditions.

1. Without prejudice to other rights under these Terms and Conditions, if you breach these Terms and Conditions in any way, or if we reasonably suspect that you have breached these Terms and Conditions in any way, we may:

  • Send you one formal warning;
  • Suspend or delete your account on our Website
  • Temporarily suspend your access to our Website;
  • Permanently block you and computers using your IP address from accessing the Website. This may imply contacting any or all your internet service providers and request that they block your access to our Website;
  • Commence legal action against you, whether for breach of contract or otherwise.

2. Where we suspend or prohibit or block your access to the Website or a part of our Website, you agree to not take any action to circumvent such suspension or prohibition or blocking (including without limitation creating and/or using a different account).

12. Variation

1. We may revise these Terms and Conditions from time to time.

2. We will not give you written notice of any revision of these Terms and Conditions. The revised Terms and Conditions will apply to the use of our Website from the date they have been posted on the Website. If you do not agree to the revised Terms and Conditions, stop using the Website and its Content.

12. Severability
1. If a provision or part of a provision of these Terms and Conditions is determined invalid or unenforceable for any reason or to any extent, the other provisions and part of the respective provision will continue in effect.

14. Law and jurisdiction

1. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

2. Any disputes relating to these terms and conditions shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

15. Payment

1. Associação Mooji Sangha is the billing entity that will receive all payments related to online content services and uses WooCommerce shop platform to maintain user accounts and purchases for Mooji TV, Sahaja Express and Events/Retreats.

2. Associação Mooji Sangha offers the following payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Credit Cards (via Stripe)

3. Users will have the ability to store payment details for recurring payment and any future purchases. If you choose to store your payment details, it will be stored by our payment gateway providers, Paypal and Stripe. This website will not hold any of your payment details.

4. For more information, please carefully read Paypal Terms and Conditions available at: and the Stripe Terms and Conditions available at:

5. You acknowledge and agree that you may be charged Value Added Tax, Sales Tax, Goods and Services Tax or other localized fees and/or taxes according to the billing address in your country of residence provided by you at the time of purchase. You also acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for any and all applicable taxes and fees that may arise from providing us with the incorrect billing address.It is their responsibility to give us the right billing address information.


1. All donations to support Mooji and Mooji’s work are collected by Associação Mooji Sangha, a non-profit organisation based in Portugal.

2. The Website hosts information about donations to support Mooji and Mooji’s work. You can find a direct link here Donations are collected by Associação Mooji Sangha, a non-profit organisation based in Portugal , which supports the sharing of Satsang, hosting Satsang events and the development and growth of Monte Sahaja Centre in Portugal. The Website owners and joint operators do not collect nor operate payments and thus do not hold any liability concerning donations and/or their payment through the channels indicated in the link above mentioned. All payments are made through secure payment platform partners of Associação Mooji Sangha. For any query regarding donations or payment, please contact Associação Mooji Sangha at

Our Details

1. This Website is owned by Mooji Media Limited (England and Wales Companies House ID 07081024) and operated jointly with Associacao Mooji Sangha

2. Mooji Media Ltd. registered office is at 447 Staines Road West, Ashford, Middlesex, TW15 2AB, UK.

3. Associação Mooji Sangha registered office Estrada Nacional 123, Nr.1 São Martinho das Amoreiras 7630-536 Portugal.

4. Mooji Foundation is the Parent of Mooji Media Ltd and its registered office is at 447 Staines Road West, Ashford, Middlesex, TW15 2AB, UK.

5. You can contact us by writing to the business address given above, or by contacting us at

6. You can contact us concerning these General Terms and Conditions at


The Website (the “Shop” or “Sangha Shop”) is the official online shop owned and operated by Associação Mooji Sangha, a non-profit private association registered under the laws of Portugal which provides items fully in support of Satsang with Mooji.

All orders and purchases made through the Sangha Shop are subject to the present Online Shopping Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) outlined below. You will be asked to expressly agree to these Terms and Conditions before you place an order for products from our website. In case you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, we kindly ask you to refrain from using the Sangha Shop.

Please note that the Account Holder Obligations clause from the General Terms and Conditions also applies to the Online Shop Terms and Conditions.

Shipping and Handling
All orders placed on the Sangha Shop will be dispatched within 4 working days after the order is made on the website. Please allow for additional processing time during the events (intensives or retreats). The delivery within Europe takes between 5 to 15 working days from receiving the shipping confirmation. Please also take into account that due to COVID-19 scenarios different in different countries, the above mentioned estimated delivery term may extend.
The customer is responsible for providing the correct delivery address. The Sangha Shop will not be responsible for items that are undeliverable.

The customer is responsible for all local import fees and duties associated with the order and to know the applicable laws governing imports in the delivery country. The Sangha Shop is not responsible for any taxes, fees, delays or non-delivery of goods due to import bans and restrictions.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including attorney fees and costs) arising out of: (1) your breach of these Terms and Conditions; (2) your (unlawful) use of the Website and its Content; and (3) your violation of any law.
The association and its related parties make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied as to the merchandise included on the site.

You agree that in no event shall the Association or it’s related parties, employees, assistants be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with our websites, goods and services sold unless and to the extent prohibited by law.

All our prices are given in Euros (€) and include all applicable taxes. All rights to price change are reserved. Prices exclude shipping costs.

Shipping Costs
We are currently offering free shipping for purchases over €75 to countries in Europe, and for purchases Shipping costs are calculated according to the weight of shipment and the destination. All our parcels are tracked and registered using CTT (Portuguese national postal service) and will need to be signed for upon delivery.
As of 06/04/22 we are no longer offering free shipping for purchases over a certain amount.

Downloadable Items
If you purchase content in electronic form which is downloadable (“downloadable item”), the link will be sent automatically to the provided email address. If you have not received the link shortly after you have received confirmation of purchase, please check the spam folder. You can also access your downloadable files under the My account section.

It is the customer’s responsibility to enter the correct email address.

From time to time, we remove older offerings from our platforms. Therefore, please make sure that you download your items within 12 months from purchase. After this time period, you may no longer have access to downloadable items.
The purchase of a downloadable item is for one customer only. Please do not share the link or the file provided with any third parties.

Cancellations and Returns
The Sangha Shop accepts cancellations of orders within 24 hours of placing (subject to the exceptions below).
The Sangha Shop does not accept returns or exchanges of products (including downloadables), except t-shirts. T-shirts cannot be refunded, but may be exchanged for another size within 60 days of purchase. However, an item is faulty, we will offer a refund or exchange within 60 days of purchase.

Before you return the goods, please contact the Sangha Shop at, indicating the order number and your contact details.

After contacting the Sangha Shop and receiving confirmation, please return the goods by registered mail to the return address found on the invoice. The returned goods must not be used, should be in the original packaging, and accompanied by the purchase receipt/invoice or a copy of the purchase receipt/invoice. Upon receiving the goods in good condition, we will offer you a replacement or a refund. If the requested item is unavailable for replacement, we will contact you and offer you a refund. Shipping costs, packing charges, credit card and other third party charges are non refundable.

Return Exceptions
The following goods do not qualify for return and shall not be refunded in case you cancel the order:

  • downloadable products
  • any returned items that are found to be defective with signs of usage or that have a damaged packaging

However, at the Sangha Shop’s discretion, returns may be accepted, a reasonable fee being charged to the customer for the impairment.

Legal Age

To be eligible for an individual account on the Website, you have to be 14 years of age or more. If you are younger than 14 years of age you have to provide us with written consent from a parent or legal guardian before registering your account.

Payment Types, Payment
Associação Mooji Sangha offers its customers the following payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Credit Cards (via Stripe)

Users will have the ability to store payment details for recurring payment and any future purchases. We do not store any payment card details. However, our partners through which we process all your payments, Paypal & Stripe, may store such card details. For more information, please carefully read Paypal Terms and Conditions available at: and the Stripe Terms and Conditions available at:

Privacy Policy and Personal Data Usage
Associação Mooji Sangha is fully committed to treat all the personal data you provide us as confidential, with utmost respect and only for the scope of processing your order, for customer evidence and in full alignment with the data protection applicable laws and its Privacy Policy. Please read the full Privacy Policy here. Personal information will not be sold to third parties, or provided to direct marketing companies or other such organisations. Personal data may only be shared with third parties if it is absolutely necessary for processing your order.

Copyright and Trademark
All content included on the Sangha Shop, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, and software, audio, video, audio-video, or any other format (“Content”) is protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights and fully owned and controlled by the Association and its related entities. Your use of the Content as provided by these Terms and Conditions does not assign to you nor grant you any rights in relation to this Content. Any intention of using the Content for scopes other than for the personal intended use of the purchased goods, is subject for prior written permission of the Association which can be requested at

Changes to our Terms and Conditions
Any changes we may make to our Terms and Conditions in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email.

You can contact us concerning these General Terms and Conditions via the form here.


Please carefully read and make sure you understand the General Terms and Conditions for using the website and these Physical Event Terms and Conditions before registering for this event. If you have any questions, please contact us here.

1. General Liability

1. You agree that Associação Mooji Sangha, and any of their partners (Mooji—Mr. Anthony Paul Moo-Young, Mooji Foundation Ltd, Mooji Media Ltd, , their directors, officers, helpers and agents, herein referred to as the Organisation or us/we/our, shall not be liable for any adverse physical, emotional or psychological effects arising from any of Mooji’s teachings during this event and/or your visit/staying at the Event venue and/or, if different and if the case arises, at Monte Sahaja ashram and cannot monitor your physical, emotional and psychological state. You understand that you are attending and/or watching a Satsang gathering with Mooji that may activate a physical, emotional, and/or psychological reaction. You take full responsibility for assessing and deciding to accept any risks you may incur as a result of your participation/watching of Satsang as well as any risks deriving from your visit/staying at the Event venue and/or, if different, at Monte Sahaja ashram. You agree to fully take the liability for any injuries or damages you might experience arising out of your participation in and/or watching a Satsang gathering and/or from your visit/staying at the Event venue and/or, if different and if the case arises, at Monte Sahaja ashram.

2. You understand that all Satsangs and instructions will be in English, and you take full responsibility for the understanding of all the instructions, especially if English is not your first language.

3. You understand that you are responsible for having all necessary travel documents including valid passport and any necessary visas allowing you to visit/stay at the Event venue and/or, if different and if the case arises, at Monte Sahaja ashram.

4. We encourage you to have an appropriate travel insurance.

2. Use of Photography, Recordings and Broadcasting

1. You understand and agree that any and all recordings of Satsang gatherings, for example voice recordings, images, photos or written words of Mooji are copyright of Mooji Media Ltd. and cannot be used for any purpose without prior written permission from Mooji Media Ltd. You understand and agree that you may be photographed or the subject of video, audio, video-audio recordings, musical composition/performance or visuals of any kind, (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Material”), taken during your attendance to the Satsang gathering and/or during your visit/stay at the Event venue and/or, if different and if the case arises, at Monte Sahaja ashram, and that Mooji Media Ltd. is the sole owner of all copyright on the above mentioned Material.

2. You waive all your rights to this Material, and consent that it may be used without compensation to you of any kind, for an unlimited period of time. You understand your image, voice, dialogue or musical composition may be used in the sharing and promotion of Satsang, or other educational and informational purposes.

3. You agree to use any Satsang related Material shared with you with integrity and respect for Mooji, the Satsang, the Satsang participants and the Organisation, and only for personal and non-commercial purpose. You agree that you will not take any photographs, audio, video or audio-video recordings of any kind while you are attending any Satsang gathering, and/or during your visit/stay at the Event venue and/or, if different and if the case arises, at Monte Sahaja ashram. All Material related to Satsang with Mooji remains under the sole copyright of Mooji Media Ltd.

4. In the unlikely situation that in spite of the aforementioned provisions, you will take photos, recordings of any kind, audio, video, audio-video of Mooji, of the Event venue and/or of Monte Sahaja ashram, or Satsang related, you agree that they shall become as well the ownership of Mooji Media Ltd. free of charge, for an unlimited period of time, so that, Mooji Media Ltd. is entitled to ask you with no limitation for any/all of the following actions: to delete and/or destroy the envisaged material, to share it with Mooji Media Ltd. free of charge for an unlimited period of time, or to refrain from using the Material without Mooji Media Ltd’s written consent.

3. Emergency Contact
1. You understand and agree that you must disclose an emergency contact name, phone number and/or email address, in case you register to the event, contact that shall be used in the unlikely situation when your physical, mental health and/or safety, or that of others, is in jeopardy. You confirm that you have the emergency contact person’s consent to disclose their data for this reason. You understand and agree that the assessment of the gravity of a situation shall be at the discretion of the Organisation.

4. Force Majeure
1. Force Majeure means any unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our normal control, which the consequences of could not have been avoided even when exercising all due care. Such circumstances or events include, but are not limited to, war, or threat of war, riot, civil unrest, industrial disputes or strikes, government mandated or recommended travel restrictions, quarantine, closures of geographic areas, transportation channels, and/or limits on large gatherings of people, unavoidable technical problems with the visa, transport, or closure or congestion of airports, terrorist activity, natural disasters, the spread of disease at any scale including but not limited to an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic, industrial disasters, fire, theft, flooding and adverse weather conditions. In the event of any of the above refunds or compensation payments cannot be made.

2. Thus, in the unlikely situation of a Force Majeure event, before and/or during attending the Event and/or, if the case arises, during your visit/stay at Monte Sahaja ashram, we reserve the right to stop the Event and/or ask you to leave the Event venue and/or, if the case, Monte Sahaja ashram without the possibility to be held liable for any damages you may encounter out of this Force Majeure event happening.

3. In the event of a cancellation or delay of the event, or any other circumstance affecting any event held by us, we are not responsible for any lost wages, accommodation costs, travel costs, cancellation fees or any other expenses you incurred in order to attend our event.

5. Cancellation Policy
1. If you cancel your participation in the Event for any reason, the cancellation policy below will apply:
If you cancel up to 31 days before the event you will receive a 75% refund.
If you cancel 30 days to 15 days before the event you will receive a 25% refund.
If you cancel 14 days to 0 days before the event you will not receive any refund.

2. A full refund may be requested for medical reasons (with a medical certificate) until 14 days after the Event has ended. After this date expires, we reserve our right to refuse any refund.

3. The above days are calendar days, not including the day on which the Event starts.

4. Please note that tickets are non-transferable, and as such it is not possible to sell, give or otherwise transfer your ticket to another person.

5. We reserve the rights to cancel, delay or move this or any event for any reason. In the event of a cancellation or delay of any event held by us, we are not responsible for any lost wages, accommodation costs, travel costs, cancellation fees or any other expenses you incurred in order to attend our event.

6. Changes to our Terms and Conditions
1. Any changes we may make to our Terms and Conditions in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email.

2. The General Terms and Conditions pertaining to the website and these Physical Event Terms and Conditions both apply equally for all physical events and activities organised by the Organisation.

3. You can contact us concerning these General Terms and Conditions via the form here.