Mooji Mooji

Mooji Books

Each book is unique and collectively they are available in 24 languages

White Fire

Second Edition

White Fire is a collection of close to 800 sayings encapsulating Mooji’s essential spiritual teachings. This Second Edition, though based on the original (2014), is really a new book in itself. Mooji has reviewed each and every quote with his loving attention—tirelessly and boldly taking the pointers to a higher level. Through this process and […]  

An Invitation To Freedom

Immediate Awakening for Everyone

An Invitation to Freedom is a profoundly clear and direct pointing leading to Self-realisation. If you are longing for this and the urge to be free is alive and compelling, this Invitation is for you. In this radiantly alive pocketbook, Mooji guides us into the recognition of the infinite Self that we are. Follow his guidance and make the greatest discovery of your life.  

An Invitation To Freedom – Audiobook

Immediate Awakening for Everyone

An Invitation to Freedom is a profoundly clear and direct pointing leading to Self-realisation. If you are longing for this and the urge to be free is alive and compelling, this Invitation is for you. In this radiantly alive pocketbook, Mooji guides us into the recognition of the infinite Self that we are. Follow his guidance and make the greatest discovery of your life. (Audiobook, 70 minutes)  

Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space

What you are before you became

Mooji inspires and compels us to discover our true nature as pure awareness using deep inquiry, insights, wisdom teachings and parables. By offering direct pointings to Truth while addressing the common challenges that arise in our daily lives, Mooji reveals the timeless, boundless love and freedom that is the natural perfume of who we truly are.  

The Mala of God

The Mala of God is a collection of prayers and blessings beautifully complemented by pencil and ink drawings from advaita zen master Mooji. It is more than just a book. It is a spiritual gift, an expression of the grace-filled heart brimming with prayer, devotion, love and gratitude to the Supreme, yet it is imbued with the unsparing clarity and power of non-dual wisdom.  

Before I Am

The Direct Recognition of Truth

Before I Am is a selection of dialogues between Mooji and seekers of peace, freedom and Truth. At times humorous, at times tender, occasionally sharp and always loving, Mooji responds to questions that speak of fear, suffering, confusion, relationships, spiritual practice and guides how to live a life in peace. It is Mooji's unsparing pointing to Truth, through the method of self-inquiry, which forms the essence of this book.  

Writing On Water

Spontaneous Utterances, Insights and Drawings

Writing on Water is a condensed ray of the warm radiance that is Mooji. Contained within are golden nuggets of wisdom gathered over a decade from Mooji's notebooks, and from his private meetings and Satsangs around the world. His spontaneous utterances and insights dispel delusion and bring lasting understanding in an instant.  

Breath of the Absolute

The Manifest and the Unmanifest are One

In Breath of the Absolute, Mooji invites you to take a fresh look at yourself. Of all the subjects debated within the scope of human interest, the one undisputed fact is that we exist. What is not questioned is: as what do we exist? Mooji will push your mind beyond conceptual noise into the pulsating clarity of pure Awareness.