Mooji Mala Music

Mooji Mala Music emanates from Heart Satsangs with Mooji. These powerful gatherings inspire musicians who come together from all parts of the world to express their deep love and gratitude for the master's guidance. The wisdom, grace and love that flows from Mooji's presence guides us home to our true nature as blissful awareness Self. Mooji Mala Music is the true soul food that fills the heart with freedom, light and joy.

Mooji Mala Music can be found on major online platforms by searching for ‘Mooji Mala’, and has its own music youtube channel with vibrant live music videos here. For upcoming musical events, click here. Enjoy!

Darshan of the Self

Available Friday 14th February

Darshan of the Self is a collection of deep and meditative songs which are often played at the end of satsang, in the profound moment of meeting Moojibaba in wordless presence. These songs emanate from the depth of communion with the Self and immerse us in the Master’s timeless darshan. Darshan (दर्शन) is a sacred […]   Learn more...

Timeless Being

Timeless Being was born out of a deeply transformational journey, written by Shivali over the course of many years while living in Monte Sahaja. Drawing inspiration from great Sages such as Christ, Papaji, Rumi, and her Master Moojibaba, these songs are pure praise, prayer, and recognition of God.   This album was recorded with the collaboration […]   Learn more...

Songs from the Ganga

Jai Sahaja! Live Bhajans

Songs from the Ganga by Jai Sahaja! are powerful bhajans in praise and reverence to the Supreme Self. Offered during an Open Satsang season in Rishikesh, India, these songs are permeated with the love and silence that pours from the heart of Satsang. The city of Rishikesh is nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, along the […]   Learn more...

Joy of Freedom

Joy of Freedom is a musical tapestry of the spirit, woven by Mukti Bird and friends in celebration of a life unfolding in Truth. These joyful songs blend together an eclectic mix of musicians and musical flavours – a divine playfulness dancing through each one. The album is imbued with a deep sense of peace […]   Learn more...

Guru’s Boat


This beautiful Bhajan is a joyous call to embrace the guidance, grace and love of the Guru. Guru means ‘dispeller of darkness’ – the pure one who is ever guiding us home to the unbound freedom and joy that is our true nature and being.  It is by the Guru’s grace that our heart’s deepest desire is fulfilled, and we are […]   Learn more...

The Polar Star

The Polar Star is a collection of 14 original piano solos by Gotama, all inspired and infused with the spirit of Satsang. This music emanates from a profound inner silence; the melodies and harmonies flowing effortlessly like a stream of clear water. Likewise, these deeply moving contemplations float and flow smoothly inside one’s own inner […]   Learn more...

Song of Gratitude

A Tribute to Moojibaba

In this inspiring and touching music single, more than fifty musicians from all around the world have come together to express their love and gratitude for our beloved spiritual master, our Gurudev, Moojibaba. With music styles spanning the globe—flavours of reggae, rap, pop, rock, instrumental, flamenco, singer-songwriter, acoustic, soul and traditional Indian—each musician composed and […]   Learn more...


Shunyam is a collection of beautiful renditions of some of the most loved and well-known songs and chants of India, sung by Radha. The meaning of Shunyam is divine emptiness, or zero, and Radha’s voice is a pure reflection of this, carrying a mystical and angelic quality that arises from stillness and brings one to […]   Learn more...


Prayerful Songs Inspired by The Mala of God by Mooji

Amen is a profoundly moving call to discover and rest in the silence of our Heart. These powerful yet serene songs are inspired by universal prayers to God—the Supreme Being. We are taken on a soaring journey, evoking a subtle remembering and awakening of our deeper Truth. These songs arose spontaneously while Omkara and Gotama sat […]   Learn more...

I Am That!

Remember This and Be Happy

I Am That! is a vibrant and uplifting celebration of Truth being discovered inside the heart. Witty, light-hearted and immensely joyful, Kamau’s music is a bliss arrow that shoots straight to the heart and infuses itself inside one’s entire body and being. A must listen! These happy offerings are a blend of Indian, Afro-Caribbean and […]   Learn more...


A Journey into the Rhythm of Life

Onadam is a celebration of world-music, a merging of various music styles, innovative ideas and melodic journeys. It is a beautiful album from Mahababa, a gifted musician, in collaboration with other international musicians. ‘Nadam’ means the last sound before silence and ‘O’, a perfect circle, represents the universal sound Om. From these two sources, Onadam […]   Learn more...

Praises to the Supreme

Chant Sahaja

Chant Sahaja is a joyful Kirtan—a call and response chanting of different names of God, the Supreme Self. The seven sacred chants on Praises to the Supreme, are infused with the powerful love for Truth and veneration to the Supreme Lord of the Universe in its many manifestations—Shiva, Parvati, Narayana, Ram, Krishna, Gurudev. Chant Sahaja […]   Learn more...

Krishna Bhajans

Chant Sahaja

Chant Sahaja is a joyful Kirtan—a call and response chanting of different names of God, the Supreme Self. At the heart of this collection of sacred chants from Monte Sahaja is the ancient Krishna Mahamantra, considered to be a powerful aid to liberation. Chant Sahaja is inspired by the spontaneous and heart-infused spiritual music from […]   Learn more...

Only Love

From the emptiness these words arise

Only Love is a delightful new collection of 6 songs from Prem and Sangita that captures the love,  joy and simplicity of quiet times. Hearing this music is like lying back in the grass on a summer’s Sunday. This gentle folk music soothes the heart and uplifts the spirit.  Inspired by life with their spiritual […]   Learn more...

Rise Up – to the Most High Awakening

Mooji Mala Live Music Compilation from the Heart of Satsang

Rise Up – to the Most High Awakening is a beautifully melodic and varied compilation of live music from the sangha, played after Satsang with Moojibaba. This double album features 27 songs from over 30 musicians, selected from live performances that took place around the world in Satsang from 2016 to 2019. These powerful songs […]   Learn more...

Prem Leela

Live in Monte Sahaja

An original and inspiring collection of spiritually charged reggae-pop by the fresh and amazing singer-songwriter, Prem and his sangha band. The lyrics, voice and power of this uplifting album immediately transport the listener into the sweet, deep and natural vibration of true spirit. This is real ‘soul’ music at its best.   Learn more...

Beloved One

by Krishna Prasad

This refreshing and lively ‘devotional blues’ album effortlessly brings you to rest in the heart of love. Krishna Prasad’s heart-stirring singing and musicianship on slide guitar, banjo and mohan veena is supported by keyboards, harmonica, vocals, handpan and spoken word by Moojibaba. A delightful blending of blues elements with subtle flavours of Indian raga.   Learn more...


The Calling

The Calling is traditional Armenian duduk music in its most intimate, heart-stirring portrayal. Karuna is a true heart musician whose deep spiritual connectedness allows us to be pulled into the vastness of the supreme Self through the gift of his music. Moojibaba's voice and presence add profound depth as he shares poetic utterances from himself, Rumi, Hafiz, the Holy Bible, and the Ashtavakra Gita.   Learn more...

By Your Grace

Live Music from the Heart of Satsang

By Your Grace is a selection of soul-stirring songs played by the Sangha at the end of the Satsangs with Moojibaba. The spiritual atmosphere in which these songs were performed—an energy field of pure grace—makes them especially powerful and deeply touching.   Learn more...

Heart to Heart


The voice and music of Prakash is deeply infused with the spirit of love in Heart to Heart. Drink deeply the wine of these heart-songs and be absorbed by love itself – absorbed into the unity of Being. Prakash sings from the depths of his soul in these songs, pulling the listener choicelessly and effortlessly into the heart’s core.   Learn more...

Jai Sahaja

Live Bhajans

These bhajans are not just music, they are pure love, grace and joy emanating from the heart of Being. Hear and sing these songs and fall upwards into the arms of the Beloved.   Learn more...

Guru Meri Puja

Maheswari and Haridas

Guru Meri Puja is a devotional album of bhajans in veneration and praise to the Satguru—our inmost Being—the supreme Self. With hearts overflowing with devotion, Maheswari and Haridas offer these original Sanskrit hymns imbued with a palpable power of love for the Divine.   Learn more...

Sahaja Samadhi


‘The angelic voice of Radha brings these timeless and sacred mantras into our hearts with great ease, mystical profundity, depth and joy.’   Learn more...

Temple Of Fire


Temple of Fire is a beautiful expression of grace from Monte Sahaja, home of Truth and love, where it was conceived and recorded. Sahaja is our natural state of effortless being. From here we are immersed in the Master’s grace and pointings, where hearts are forever turned into a temple of fire. The prayer Thy Kingdom Is Here is sung together with Moojibaba.   Learn more...

Bam Bhole Bhajans

Mooji Sangha

All praises to the Supreme! So much love, so much peace, so much joy! The Lord is the Life inside your Heart! What good fortune, what more is needed? Bam Bhole!   Learn more...