Mooji Mooji

River of Light

A Satsang Music Compilation


In River of Light (2010), artists and musicians from around the world who are touched by the words and presence of Mooji, come together to express their joy and offer their gratitude through music. The resulting album is a beautifully eclectic compilation of spiritually uplifting songs pointing to the one unwavering heart from which they all spring.

When attention is redirected to the heart of Being, a recognition occurs there; a soulful attunement. The end of a dreamt separation is felt – we find ourselves whole again; a wholeness that shines as peace, joy, wisdom and love. Life flows, like a River of Light.

Tracks & Samples

01 Shloka for Vishnu
Mooji Sangha, Shree Katsura
(Lyrics) 03:36
02 Tu Hee Rama Hai
Mooji Sangha, Katie Amrita Stackhouse
(Lyrics) 03:29
03 Pranbhujee
Mooji Sangha, Sujata, Shepherd, Oleg
(Lyrics) 06:33
04 Dance Your Dance (Intro)
Mooji Sangha, Ari El
(Lyrics) 07:45
05 Jai Gauri Shankara
Mooji Sangha, Shree Katsura
(Lyrics) 05:49
06 Moola Mantra
Mooji Sangha, Omkara
(Lyrics) 10:18
07 Avadhuta Gita
Mooji Sangha, Her Crystal Circle
08 Reconocer Ser
Mooji Sangha, Mame Diara, Tamir J.Satorra
09 Shower of Grace
Mooji Sangha, Omkara

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