
River of Light

Dance Your Dance (Intro)

You have never been merely a body
It is well known that all is Brahman the Absolute
The scriptures have stated this in various ways
You are that which is both inside and out
You are Shiva itself
You are everything, everywhere.
Why then are you so deluded?
Why do you run about like a frightened ghost?
There is no such thing as union or separation for me or for you.
There is no me, no you no manifold world.
All is the Self and the Self alone.
You cannot be heard or smelled or tasted,
You cannot be seen or sensed by touched.
Truly you are the ultimate reality.
Why then should you be so troubled.,
Neither birth nor death, nor the active mind, 
Nor bondage nor liberation affects you at all.
Why then, my dear, do you grief in this way?
You and I have no name or form.
Oh my mind, why are you so deluded?
Why do you run about like a frightened ghost?
Become aware of the indivisible Self.
Be rid of attachment, be happy and free.
The one reality is ever the same,
This is what all the wise say.
Weather you embrace or renounce desires, 
the one consciousness remains unaffected.

The true state of freedom is to see everything as One.
You are the pure reality, always the same.
You have no body, no birth and no death.
Become aware of the indivisible Self,
Be rid of attachment, be happy and free.