Mooji Mooji

Mental Health and Well-Being

Important Information and Frequently Asked Questions

Satsang with Mooji is profound in guiding seekers to genuine and lasting self-discovery. However, deep contemplation may not be suitable for those who have a history of any serious mental health condition, particularly in a concentrated Satsang environment like intensively watching Satsangs, joining a Retreat or on Sahaja Express. Below is important information about Mental Health & Well-Being in the context of Satsang.

Is Satsang a form of therapy or a replacement for medical treatment? 

It is important to understand that Satsang is not a replacement for any therapy or other medical treatment or diagnosis. Satsang in the form of the Invitation and self-inquiry is a powerful aid to self-realisation, and while Mooji’s teachings are profound in guiding seekers of Truth to ultimate awakening, they are not meant as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any change or discontinuation of therapeutic, psychological, psychiatric or other medical treatment should be undertaken with the supervision and guidance of a medical or other specialist mental health clinician.

Is Satsang suitable for someone with a mental health or psychiatric disorder? 

If you are currently receiving or have previously received any medical treatment or therapy for issues related to mental health, an environment of deep contemplation or introspection may not be suitable for you. Please consult with a medical or other mental health clinician whether it is suitable and safe for you to be in a concentrated Satsang environment at this time.

Whenever an event with Moojibaba is offered, you can find additional information on the event page. For some events we strongly urge you not to participate if you are currently receiving or have previously received medical treatment or therapy for issues related to mental health.

When and why might Satsang not be appropriate? 

A concentrated Satsang environment (such as a retreat or intensive watching of Satsang) may not be appropriate for those experiencing psychiatric conditions or other unusually strong emotional upheavals. Being in such an environment may adversely affect pre-existing mental health conditions. It may bring up latent traumatic imprints or deep-rooted tendencies in the body-mind, which can trigger strong thoughts, emotional responses and behaviour.

Satsang may offer an opportunity to recognise, release and transcend these states. However, a participant with a mental health condition may feel overwhelmed by this, and additional medical and psychiatric support may be required. Please be aware that we do not have the resources or capacity to provide this kind of support.

The questionnaire below is offered to provide more information.


This questionnaire is intended as a guide, and does not constitute or replace medical or psychiatric advice. If the answer to any of the questions is ‘yes’, a concentrated Satsang environment may not be suitable for you at this time.

  • Have you ever or are you currently suffering from and/or receiving treatment for any of the following conditions: Anxiety disorders (which includes generalised anxiety, agoraphobia and panic disorder), mood disorders (which includes clinical depression, mania and bipolar disorder), obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), personality disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis (on its own or as part of another condition)?
  • Are you currently taking any prescribed or non-prescribed medication for the treatment of a mental health condition?
  • Have you used any psychotropic (mind altering) non-prescription drugs for recreational, spiritual or self-medicating purposes within the past 6 months?
  • Do you currently have any substance use disorders (this includes harmful use, dependence and addiction) or have you undertaken a detoxification from substance use within the past 12 months?
  • Have you experienced any aggravation or deterioration of your mental health during the past 12 months irrespective of whether you have sought specialist advice for it or not?
  • Have you ever experienced any unpleasant or unwanted effects (these can include physical, cognitive, emotional or ‘energetic’) that have persisted beyond the duration of your participation in a spiritual practice or retreat, which may have interfered in your well-being and/or functional abilities?

Answering ‘yes’ to any of the questions does not necessarily mean you cannot attend Satsang. It requires you to seek specialist advice and receive confirmation from a medical or other professionally registered clinician that your attendance is unlikely to adversely affect your mental health condition.

I have been advised or can see from the questionnaire in the previous FAQ that a concentrated Satsang environment may not be suitable for me at this time. Does this mean Satsang is not for me?

Satsang with Mooji works in many subtle ways and the benefit can be felt even if you are not able to be in a concentrated Satsang environment for the time being. Experiencing a mental health or psychiatric condition is not something that excludes anyone from deepening in their Satsang or fully realising their true nature. However, proper medical guidance and treatment as necessary is still very important. The two can support each other.

Can Satsang be a cause of mental health imbalance? 

Satsang does not cause mental health or psychiatric disorders. Occasionally, Satsang may bring up latent traumatic imprints or deep-rooted tendencies in the body-mind, which can trigger strong, seemingly overwhelming, thoughts and emotional responses and behaviour. Satsang may offer an opportunity to recognise, release and transcend these states. However, if there is a mental health condition, a participant may feel overwhelmed by the arising of hidden tendencies, and additional medical and psychiatric support may be required. Please be aware that we are not able to provide this type of support or expertise. Please refer to the questionnaire above for more information.