As you know, there has been an outbreak of a new, infectious coronavirus called COVID-19. It began in China in late 2019, and is now affecting many other countries worldwide. The health and wellbeing of everyone is of great importance to us and we have been carefully monitoring the situation since it came to our attention in late January.
With a growing number of people affected worldwide, including outbreaks throughout Europe, we feel it is wise to cancel the Lisbon Satsang Intensive (29 April – 3 May) and also close Monte Sahaja for some time. This closing came into effect on March 10, and means that we will not be offering the Guest and Extended Stay programs that were scheduled for March to May.
We are also implementing a 14-day self-quarantine for the team returning to Monte Sahaja and the local area who were supporting the recent Open Satsangs in India or travelling elsewhere recently. Others in Monte Sahaja and the area have been advised to practice ‘social distancing’ as has been widely recommended in Europe.
These precautionary measures are being taken to support and protect the health and wellbeing of our local community and also the Sangha to the best of our ability. We feel these are the responsible steps to be taken at this time, which are truly in the best interests of everyone, especially those who would participate in our events and programs, and those who live in Portugal and our local area, many of whom are elderly and therefore more vulnerable at this time.
We hope you will join us in praying for the health and wellbeing of all who have been or will be affected by the virus, wherever they are in the world. May its growth and impact diminish quickly; may the sick recover to newfound strength; may we all use this challenging time to continue growing in ourselves, to discover the power and grace of the eternal light within us.
“Let us offer prayers and blessings
for all people and all nations of the Earth.
Let us bless that, though intense, this will also become a time
of conscious awakening and healing for everyone.
We know, from the lessons of history,
that great difficulties, disasters and challenging times
also can strengthen and unify us by dissolving the differences
that appear to divide us.
Calamities often strengthen us internally,
making us more deeply aware of the highest values of life.
Troubling times encourages us to work together,
to genuinely care for each other.
Such events make us more aware of our collective strength
when we work together as one united human family.
May we grow in unity, love and understanding.
The Lord’s Blessings be upon
all people and nations affected at this time.
May governments and all helpers move in an inspired,
co-operative and harmonious way,
so that collectively we are able to put right
whatever needs to be put right within our capacity.
Our prayer is that this disease comes to an end soon.
We believe, trust, know this will happen.
This is a prayer for our entire world and its leaders.
We pray that the greater, higher Truth which dwells inside us all
raise us up in conscious awareness of our true nature and Being
so that we become more kind, more open,
more loving, wise, peaceful and powerful in the Truth we are.
May we live fully in the joy of our real nature
in accordance with the will of the Supreme God Almighty.”
~ Moojibaba
WHO advice for the public about COVID-19.
WHO information about COVID-19.
As the situation varies around the world, please keep yourself informed and follow the guidance specific to your area or country.