1 nāhaṁ dēhō nēndriyāṇyantaraṅgō nāhaṅkāraḥ prāṇavargō na buddhiḥ dārāpatyakṣētravittādidūraḥ sākṣī nityaḥ pratyagātmā śivō’ham 2 rajjvajñānādbhāti rajjau yathāhiḥ svātmājñānādātmanō jīvabhāvaḥ āptōktyā’hibhrāntināśē sa rajjur jīvō nāhaṁ dēśikōktyā śivō’ham 3 ābhātīdaṁ viśvamātmanyasatyam satyajñānānandarūpē vimōhāt nidrāmōhātsvapnavattanna satyam śuddhaḥ pūrṇō nitya ēkaḥ śivō’ham 4 nāhaṁ jātō na pravr̥ddhō na naṣṭō dēhasyōktāḥprākr̥tāḥsarvadharmāḥ kartr̥tvādiścinmayasyāsti nāhaṁ kārasyaiva hyātmanō mē śivō’ham 5 mattō nānyatkiñcidatrāsti viśvaṁ satyaṁ bāhyaṁ vastu māyōpaklr̥ptam Ādarśāntarbhāsamānasyatulyaṁ mayyadvaitē bhāti tasmācchivō’ham
1 I’m not the body or the senses Neither I’m the ego, the five vital pranas or the intellect I am different and distinct from spouse, wealth and land I am the eternal witness of all these things, which are temporary and dependent I am the innermost being – the Self – the Eternal Consciousness 2 Due to ignorance, mind sees the rope as an illusionary snake Similarly, due to ignorance about one’s very own nature – the Self, the feeling of being is present and perceived in the Self itself When the illusion of a snake vanishes through the words of a wise person (Guru), the reality that this is a rope is known Similarly, I am not the jiva or individual being known through the words of a realised Master (Guru). Hence, I am the auspicious one – the Self – the consciousness is known and established 3 The splendour of this material world which is mistaken for the nature of existence, has no independent existence apart from the Self Like dreams in sleep, this world is also not real Untainted and pure, the Absolute, Eternal One – consciousness I am! 4 I am unborn, without any growth or expansion, hence deathless and indestructible But all this is the nature of the body, so are all the religions Doership is only for the ego mind But all actions are also a part of me, indifferent from me; I am the Self – the Eternal Consciousness 5 Here there is no world different from me It is true that external objects are mere illusions created by maya which itself is only an illusionary power in the Self or consciousness External objects are like reflections in the mirror which doesn’t have any existence. The mirror alone is real Likewise the material world and objects are reflections/illusions in this non-dual Self I am the Self – the Eternal Consciousness! ~ Words from Sri Adi Shankaracharya Composed by Mahababa and Jagathi Performed by Jagathi