In honour of Michel Pieter Fijn
Our beloved Michel left his body peacefully on 20 March 2025, at 1pm. Michel, we unite our hearts as one sangha and we honour you today and always.
It has been our good fortune to know you and to walk alongside you. Our heart goes out to Erin, Michel’s wife, and their two sons, Isah and Batul. We have been deeply moved by their strength as a family and by the depth of their love for each other and for Satsang.
About a year ago, Michel was diagnosed with an aggressive type of brain cancer, which progressed very quickly despite treatments. In a short time, his body became unwell until he was not able to walk, move and eventually could not speak. Moojibaba remained present with Michel throughout every part of this process. Like Krishna with Arjuna, they had the most profound Satsangs in the midst of the ‘battlefield’. The Master’s grace and Michel’s openness and sincerity laid the path for a profound transformation and transcendence that took place in his heart.
Michel’s wife Erin was deeply with him throughout his illness. She had the wisdom and grace to recognize the spiritual importance of this time for Michel, and step-by-step, hand in hand, they grew together in Satsang.
As time went on, the contrast between Michel’s inner state of peace and the state of his body became strikingly apparent. His mind remained powerfully anchored in a state of deep trust, peace and contentment all throughout. Even in the more intense moments of physical struggle, he never lost his sense of humour and his playfulness. We felt so privileged to witness this unfolding of grace and the naturalness of his transition. The Master’s wisdom and power was emanating from every cell of Michel’s being up until his last breath.
Our own Prem was by Michel’s bedside reading this passage below, from the Avadhuta Gita, when Michel took his last breath and peacefully returned to Spirit.
“I’m beyond being a soul or not a soul; I’m forever shining forth.
I’m beyond being a cause or not a cause; I’m forever shining forth.
I’m beyond both nirvana and bondage; I’m forever shining forth.
I’m nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss; I’m everywhere, like space.
Unlimited by a beginning, I’m forever shining forth.
Unlimited by the continuing play, I’m forever shining forth.
Unlimited by the destruction of all, I’m forever shining forth.
I’m nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss; I’m everywhere like space.”