Mooji Mooji

New Meditations & New Shop

We are delighted to share a beautiful new collection of six Meditations with Mooji selected for their clarity and potency. These powerful pointings infused with Moojibaba’s love and wisdom bring the earnest seeker swiftly into the natural effortless space of the Self.

“Be here completely, in the heart of your own self.
It is not a picture, it has no shape, it is beyond time.
Here is the birthplace of love and peace.”
~ Mooji

These meditations have been beautifully mastered from live recordings, and come in different formats:
~ Guided Meditations with originally composed music 
~ Silent Sittings 
~ Guided Meditations (no music)
~ Master Pointing to Awakening

Welcome to our New Mooji Sangha Shop

We are also pleased to be launching our new and improved online Mooji Sangha Shop. The feedback that we have received over the years has given rise to a simpler, more beautiful home for these and many other offerings.

In celebration of the launch,
we are offering 10% off all products until 5 June, 2020.

Much love,
Mooji Team