Mooji Mooji

Quote of the day

26 May 2022

In satsang, something gets emptied out.
All the old ideas are thinning away.
The mind itself goes into samadhi. It becomes empty.
There is a beautiful silence in your being now.
Be one with it. It is the fragrance of the pure Self.
Mind is cunning. He will either say, ‘Well done, we
did it!’ or ‘Well done, I did it!’ depending on the
strength of your identity with him, the deceiver.
Don’t accept this voice. No one did anything at all.
Don’t identify with thoughts, words or feelings.
Simply keep quiet. This is the final cut
to the umbilical cord of the ego-mind.
Cut him loose without compassion.
Let him go and the great silence reveals itself
—seamless and untouched.
Dwell within as the undivided Self.