Mooji Mooji

Quote of the day

3 April 2023

The thought ‘I want to be free’
is perceivable.
That which perceives
the thought ‘I want to be free’
is that itself bound or un-free?
To grasp this thoroughly
is a great spiritual transcendence,
for in an instant you have avoided
one of the mind’s greatest snares.
There was a time when
our thoughts carried so much
credibility, so much force and belief,
that as soon as they arose
they took hold of us.
As we learn to observe with detachment,
it gradually becomes clear that
if you are observing something,
that thing cannot be the observer of it.
You, the observer, see all this play
as and when it arises.
You witness what comes and goes.
Consider: if you were any of that,
then when they go
you would also be gone.
But you are still here to witness
their comings and goings.
Who are you?
A cloud is passing by,
its name is ‘I want to be free’.
Remember yourself,
you are the unchanging sky
where innumerable clouds float by
without leaving a single trace.
Acknowledge this and be happy.