Mooji Mooji

Amit — Moojibaba Namo Namah (Shivaratri Cafe)

8 Mar, 2020 | 12:28 | Sangha Music

“Moojibaba Namo Namah” by Amit, performed by Amit (vocals & harmonium), Khan Sahab (tabla) & Omkara (vocals), from the album ‘This Night We Will Not Sleep’ by Shivaratri Café.

Mooji Mala Music emanates from Heart Satsangs with Mooji. It is true soul music that uplifts the spirit and fills the heart with love and joy. Enjoy!

Mooji Mala Music:
Official Webpage (music & lyrics)
Apple Music
Satsang Shop

“Moojibaba Namo Namah” by Amit was performed at the end of the Satsang with Mooji: ‘You Say, “I’m Ready” — I Say, “You Are Already”‘ on 29th February 2020 in Rishikesh, India.