Mooji Mooji

An Invitation to Freedom ~ Tiruvannamalai 2020

5 Feb, 2020 | 26:46 | Exercises and Guidances | Open Satsangs with India 2022

Moojibaba presents a powerful yet simple exercise — An Invitation to Freedom. This distilled and direct guidance takes us directly into the recognition of our timeless Being.

For more related to ‘An Invitation to Freedom,’ please visit here.

The Invitation is the very heart and essence of Satsangs with Mooji, having arisen spontaneously in Mooji after many years of guiding seekers of Truth. This guided seeing is supported by all of Moojibaba’s teachings, which help to clarify doubts and guide through any unexpected resistances that may arise. As such, it is intended to be followed in the broader context of Satsang with Moojibaba.

Moojibaba encourages us to experience this Invitation again and again, as the mind and attention marinate and become grounded in their natural source. This is the power and grace of Satsang, to merge the ego-mind in the universal Being which is our true home.

May all who are seeking freedom in the heart come fully home to themselves through this guidance.


This talk is an excerpt from the Satsang, “The Invitation — The One Who Follows Will Find”
Recorded on 26 January 2020 in Tiruvannamalai, India