Mooji Mooji

An Invitation to the Greatest Discovery

20 Dec, 2020 | 30:24

Through this profound Invitation guidance, Mooji presents an auspicious opportunity into the greatest discovery – to confirm from your own being the timeless Truth within yourself.

“We each have to be tested. You are tested so that you can confirm the greatness and the glory of God in you.

Today, you are confirmed in the Truth. May your heart always remind itself of its sublime perfection.”

This Satsang ends with a beautiful offering of heartfelt music by Sebata.

Monte Sahaja, Portugal
24 November 2019


An Invitation to Freedom is a profoundly clear and direct pointing leading to Self-realisation. Find the Invitation Toolkit here for additional resources relating to this powerful guidance by Mooji.

Music after Satsang: “Make Me the Light” by Sebata Manyofa & Prem, performed by Sebata Manyofa, Omkara, Gotama & Omraj
Watch more music from the heart of Satsang on the Mooji Mala Music YouTube Channel.