Mooji Mooji

Beyond the Clouds of the Mind — This Is the Highest Way I Can Be With You

8 Aug, 2021 | 1:08:21 | Retreat Highlights

This wonderful excerpt from the January Online Retreat is for those who want to come all the way home.

Through the simple ‘Invitation to Freedom’ guidance, Moojibaba brings us into the direct experience of our true Self.

“I ask you to be empty, empty, empty. When you are empty of all that you have learned, then I can ask you these types of questions. You are in the God zone and such peace is going to keep arising in you, such joy, unmerited, such aliveness. The Self can never leave you.”

Online Weekend Retreat
23 January 2021 | Evening Satsang


The full version of this Satsang is available as part of the January Online Retreat package.