Mooji Mooji

“Can You Help Me Accept the Death of a Family Member and Move Forward?”

19 Apr, 2020 | 12:08 | Pain, Anxiety, Grief & Loss | Mooji Answers

Moojibaba responds to a letter from someone who has just learned of the passing of a close family member. She asks for prayers for her departed loved ones and Mooji’s help to move through this experience with Grace.

“My heart is yours.

They have transitioned to a higher realm of consciousness, they have moved into the next phase of their existence. Remember, I told you, ‘You only live once, but it’s eternal.’

Be wise — to accept it does not mean to push it away, but to face it. Many are sharing similar feelings at the moment, but you are a child of God, in your consciousness you are aware of this.

We don’t know the destiny when each one will have to leave their mortal frame. Death is one of God’s great ideas, because it so terrifies the living beings, when we are ignorant of the Truth, that it compels us to search for that which transcends death. That is one’s spiritual realisation, one’s spiritual nature.”

Monte Sahaja, Portugal
2 April 2020