Mooji Mooji

Come Here Like Gunpowder – I Am the Fire

25 Feb, 2017 | 3:22:21

Live broadcast of Open Satsang with Mooji from Rishikesh, India
Recorded on 25 February 2017

In this Satsang with Moojibaba, many questions are put forward to address the apparent persistence and insistence of the ego-mind. Moojiji continually points out that it is not just the situations or problems that need to be dropped, but the one who is suffering them as well.

One questioner speaks about the limitations of living with a chronic illness, and another expresses his concern that he will spend many more years on this spiritual journey trying to find Presence. All these questions serve to deepen and mature the on-going Inquiry.

Live Music at the end of Satsang: O Carvalho by Martin Rixen,
which is on the compilation CD ‘By Your Grace’.