Mooji Mooji

Don’t Give So Much Importance to Identity

11 Nov, 2015 | 28:39

It seems that every living being has to taste experience.
We must taste the sense of individuality, of egotism, of autonomy – all of this.
The point is to know who you are inside this experience.
At some point it seems that Consciousness becomes tired of wearing the mask of personhood, now It wants to shake it off.
To discern the difference between your mind and your Self
this is already a big start.
It Takes a Lot of Energy to Be a Person;
It Takes no Energy to Be the Self

A video extract from the Satsang DVD ‘You Are Not Here to Learn, but to Blossom’ London Intensive 8 November 2014 S1

Music: ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ by Soham and Monica from the album ‘Into the Deep Blue’