Mooji Mooji

From Mind to Pure Being

22 Oct, 2023 | 20:21

A student asks for freedom from the mind and shares how it creates a sense of bondage through the weight of personal responsibilities. Moojibaba’s guidance cuts through all doubts and allows us to confirm the deep stillness and peace within.

“My path is a very peaceful path, yet the most powerful. It is the most powerful because it confirms the deep stillness and peace within you, so you know through direct experience that God is the core of your being. Not a fleeting experience, but the substratum of all experiencing.

Look, clarify and confirm your own Presence, which is sitting in the all-ness of God.”

Excerpt from the Satsang, Oh Lord, Merge Me in You — Be Thou My Life
Online Awakening Intensive | June 2023

24 June 2023
Monte Sahaja, Portugal