Mooji Mooji

God Gave Me the Eyes to See Him Inside Your Heart

2 Mar, 2019 | 2:09:07 | Rishikesh 2019

2 March 2019
Rishikesh, India

While today’s Satsang spans a variety of subjects, Moojibaba brings all questions back to the quintessence of his pointings. Biographical anecdotes and stories bring humour, depth and clear understanding to the Master’s wisdom and Satsang concludes as Moojibaba shares his contemplations on a very beautiful poem by Rumi which is presented to him.”

“Try this today, look – because the Self is not hiding. I am jumping right into the heart of it. Today I ask, what do you truly wish for? The one who dwells inside this form is everywhere. He comes to tell you, ‘You are my very own Self.’”


Music before Satsang: Improvisation on sitar and flute by Marc Planells and Himanshu
“Merging In You,” poem by Rumi, performed by SriDevi, Marc Planells and Himanshu