
Grace Is Upon You ~ Silent Sitting with Moojibaba on Guru Purnima 2019

16 Jul, 2019 | 1:08:45 | Guided Meditations & Silent Sittings

Happy Guru Purnima!

Guru Purnima is a day we spend in celebration and gratitude for the immense blessing of the Guru. Guru means ‘the dispeller of darkness’ and such a one is a light unto this world. It is through the Guru’s wisdom and grace that this light is revealed as our own Self, the same one Self in all, and thereby brings us to true and lasting freedom.

In honour of this most auspicious day, Moojibaba called the Sangha in Monte Sahaja together to share this Silent Sitting, a time devoted to baptise the mind and heart in the spontaneous revelations of the Self.

“We’ve come together today in celebration of the Beloved One—that which has introduced us to our very own Self, and who dwells in the heart of all beings. Jai Gurudev.

This morning we sit in honour of that quintessential Truth and realisation, which is perceived here to be the highest opportunity and expression of human existence—to discover the origin of all existence. Not as some far away place, but as the very core of our existence.”

Guru Purnima
16 July 2019

Monte Sahaja, Portugal

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