Mooji Mooji

Guided Meditation – Part 2

8 Feb, 2015 | 08:39 | Guided Meditations & Silent Sittings

New York 13 of September 2009 S1 – Part 2

Here Mooji asks everyone to leave aside all concerns, and to bring their attention behind the mind into the Heart of Being.
He guides the attention away from the usual distractions so that the Beingness stands in recognition of itself beyond association and this guidance exposes the myth of separation showing that the Self is distanceless, natural and ever-present.

From now we disabled comments as an experiment, so that each viewer may focus undistractedly on the message.
We feel that these videos don’t really require comments, either positive or negative, in which mental energy is often lost, like we don’t go to the cinema to hear chit chat of neighbours around. Instead of this, each viewer is welcome to honour the inner silence of satsang, that we are happy to convey freely to whichever place you find yourself on the planet.
If there is something that really needs to be shared, you can use blogs, facebook, twitter… the internet is a wide enough place for expression. 🙂
Thank you for your understanding.

Chinese subtitles
穆吉的指导冥想 第一部分