
I Am Behind Every Word I Say — I Know Where They Will Take You

2 Mar, 2017 | 2:33:14

Live broadcast of Open Satsang with Mooji from Rishikesh, India
Satsang recorded on 2 March 2017

Moojibaba opens Satsang speaking about the different kind of questions and says that he is more open to Freedom questions that lead to the realisation of the Self. This results in two beautiful and direct guided self-inquiries. The first revolves around the question of meditation, with Moojibaba pointing out that even the sense of the ‘meditator’ and the purpose of the meditation are both perceived in a deeper awareness, which is present before, during, and after the meditation.

This conversation deepens as Moojibaba points out that even the subtle sense of Presence or Being is itself perceived. A very powerful Satsang for those who are being absorbed in their self-inquiry.

Music played before Satsang by Prakash.
His CD Heart to Heart is available in the Satsang Shop.

Live music after Satsang by Maheshwari and Haridas.
Their album is called Guru Meri Puja.