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3 March 2019
Rishikesh, India
“If I came to Rishikesh and I could only tell you this today—If I have no more Satsangs to share with you and I shared this with you today, I can leave and I’m happy.”
This momentous Satsang comprises the quintessence of Moojiji’s teachings. He continues to focus our attention on the nature of the ‘I’ who has a problem, thus revealing the power of recognising that which is always here.
“I feel that if we are going to try and solve seven and a half billion problems, we really got a problem. But if you are going to look at the one who has problems and who witnesses the one that has a problem, does that one have a problem?
I think we might find something.”
Live music before Satsang: ”Holiwater Project Song Gupha (cave)” by Pandit Vikash Maharaj ji, performed by Abhishek Maharaj (sitar) & Santosh Kumar (tabla) from Maharaj Trio (more information about the music at www.maharajtrio.com)
Live music after Satsang: “Grace” by Bholenath, performed by Bholenath & Lluis Martinez Ten