Mooji Mooji

Love Is Your Nature — You Don’t Have to Learn to Love

9 Feb, 2020 | 53:48 | Tiruvannamalai 2020

In this spontaneous Satsang, Mooji speaks about the importance of moving in trust, transcending the idea of ‘doership,’ and the spontaneous unveiling of positive qualities in the mind and heart of the one who is awake.

“Love is your nature. You don’t have to learn to love. Love is just set free from ignorance.

You don’t have to learn to love,
you don’t have to learn to be peaceful,
you don’t have to learn to be natural,
you don’t have to learn to be eternal.

You don’t have to learn to be happy.
You don’t have to learn to be free.

It’s all there, just covered over a little bit—apparently—while we’re in the state of duality, in the state of personhood.”

24 January 2020
Tiruvannamalai, India

Watch more Satsangs from Tiruvannamalai here.