Mooji Mooji

Moojibaba’s Dancing Joy — Chant Sahaja

20 Aug, 2020 | 07:51 | Chant Sahaja

We’re happy to share with you this precious short film which follows Moojibaba as he is spontaneously swept up in dancing to beautiful devotional music — “Chant Sahaja.”

“Chant Sahaja” is the name of the bhajans and chanting which happen daily in Monte Sahaja, Portugal. In this video we’re introduced to “Chant Sahaja,” and shown how Mooji was inspired to bring these traditional and soulful bhajans to Monte Sahaja from a beautiful experience in a small temple in Rishikesh.

You can also watch this short interview with Krishnabai and Sanoja where they give some context for how this video came to be.

Recorded on 24 July 2020 in Monte Sahaja, Portugal


More about Chant Sahaja:
A full length version of this video is available on Sahaja Express.

Daily live broadcasts of Chant Sahaja on Sahaja Express.

Recordings of Chant Sahaja available on the Mooji Mala Music YouTube channel.

Two full-length albums of Chant Sahaja recordings available on