Mooji Mooji

Mukti & Friends – Life Is A Kirtan (Remix) – Happy Birthday Beloved Moojibaba

29 Jan, 2022 | 05:47 | Sangha Music

“Life Is A Kirtan” by Mukti, Siddhartha, Omraj & Rishi

This song was written and inspired by the great gratitude we as a Sangha have for Moojibaba, and the boundless love and liberation he shows and points us to everyday. In one satsang Moojibaba spoke about life being a “kirtan”, or a call and response. From here this song came into being while we were in India together.
May we continue to answer the call of God, of our own hearts, and live by the light and wisdom of our Master.
In deep love and reverence,
Mukti, Siddhartha, Omraj & Rishi
Mooji Mala Music emanates from Heart Satsangs with Mooji.
It is true soul music that uplifts the spirit and fills the heart with love and joy. Enjoy!

Mooji Mala Music:
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Apple Music
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