Mooji Mooji

My Nature Is Freedom, There Is No Delusion for Me

7 Jun, 2020 | 29:21 | Transcending Mind Storms | Retreat Highlights

This powerful excerpt from the 2019 Lisbon Intensive presents an opportunity to come to an effortless place of peace, our natural state.

“Follow, listen and observe and you will find that you are in a field which is not physically so tangible, yet is irrefutable in your heart. You know it exists. It is not a form and because it is not a form, all forms are perceivable in their true light.”

This talk is an excerpt from the Satsang, “My Nature Is Freedom, There Is No Delusion for Me”
Lisbon Intensive
15 June 2019 | Afternoon Satsang


Music after Satsang: “Grace” by Prem
Watch on Mooji Mala Music YouTube Channel