Mooji Mooji

Never Think You Are Too Small to Pray for The World

29 Apr, 2018 | 2:09:53

Tea Satsang with Mooji

Broadcast live from Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Sunday, 29 April 2018

During this ‘Tea Satsang’, Moojibaba has a chance to read some of the letters written to him. There are many potent moments in which powerful guidance is shared and Mooji reminds and shows us that our joy is in our formlessness. We are guided to bless everyone, especially those whose expressions are different.

“Never think you are too small to pray for this world. Don’t think, ‘But I’m so tiny, what difference is my blessing going to do?’

Have the attitude of blessing everyone, especially those whose expression is different from yours. And like that, you bring back the universality of love inside your heart. Never think you are too small or insignificant. You’re not insignificant to God.”

Music after Satsang: “Shower of Grace” by Omkara
Available on the Album ‘Let Nothing Remain’