Mooji Mooji

Omkara & Gotama – O Heart of Hearts

17 Dec, 2020 | 05:04 | Sangha Music

“O Heart of Hearts” by Omkara & Gotama, with lyrics/spoken word by Mooji, performed during the live broadcast Sat-Songs Concert in Monte Sahaja on 13th December, 2020. The concert was in celebration of the recent album release by Omkara & Gotama, “Amen ~ Prayerful Songs Inspired by the Mala of God by Mooji”. More information about the album here.
Full concert available on Sahaja Express.

“O Heart of Hearts”: Omkara (vocals), Gotama (piano, music programming, vocals), Omraj (percussion), Karuna (Duduk – backing track), Lluis Martinez Ten (cello – backing track)

The album, ‘Amen’ is a profoundly moving call to discover and rest in the silence of our Heart. These powerful yet serene songs are inspired by universal prayers to God—the Supreme Being. We are taken on a soaring journey, evoking a subtle remembering and awakening of our deeper Truth.

Mooji Mala Music emanates from Heart Satsangs with Mooji.
It is true soul music that uplifts the spirit and fills the heart with love and joy. Enjoy!

Mooji Mala Music:
Official Webpage (music & lyrics)
Apple Music
Satsang Shop