Mooji Mooji

Remember, You Are Before Everything

19 Mar, 2017 | 2:41:17

Live broadcast of Open Satsang with Mooji from Rishikesh, India
Recorded on 19 March 2017

The final Satsang of the 2017 Open Satsang season in Rishikesh.

In this powerful Satsang with Moojibaba, many questions are put forward and Moojiji challenges us to really clarify and confirm our essential nature, as it has been pointed to with such clarity and simplicity throughout the season. Again and again, Moojiji reminds us to perceive, but don’t interpret. Just be, and “drink deep the medicine of your own understanding.”

When more and more questions arise, Moojibaba asks, “Is your question greater than your peace?”

“Follow the pointing and save your life!”