
See With the Eyes of Consciousness

10 Jan, 2021 | 33:43 | Retreat Highlights | Essential Pointers

During the September Online Retreat, Mooji shares this powerful illustration of the two birds. We are guided to look together with him, and see from our natural state of pure and formless consciousness.

“This is immediate sadhana. Meaning, as you’re looking from your place of stillness, you can verify now. You can see with the eyes of your own intuition and consciousness.

We are looking together, we are verifying together. But the experience is taking place in your being itself. This is the state of the awakened ones.”

Online Weekend Retreat
26 September 2020 | Afternoon Satsang


This video is an excerpt from the talk, “God Is Growing the Seed of Awakening in You” available as part of the September Retreat package.