Mooji Mooji

Shivali – Zero Baby! (new single)

13 Jan, 2021 | 02:47 | Sangha Music

“Zero Baby!” by Shivali, performed by Shivali, Mooji, Sadhu Om & Omraj.
Song available here.

Zero Baby! is a funky, fun, 80’s style pop song with surprising depth that is inspired by Mooji’s pointings to the place of “zero”. It arose over the holiday season, in a time when the Monte Sahaja sangha were expressing their playful and creative sides.

“Only by returning to zero can we see
that all this investment in the dream called ‘I-me’
is just a distraction from the glory of the Truth we are.”

“Sometimes it’s the mind that’s saying,
‘But the mind is so strong. I want to get rid of my mind.’
When actually you are already out of it.

Zero baby, only zero works, okay?
No compromise, nothing—zero.
If I say zero, is it enough? Zero means what?
It’s nothing, it’s nothing, it’s nothing. And right there it finishes.”

“Only the one who is zero,
who has discovered the fullness of nothing,
knows it is also everything.”

More music by Shivali available on the album, ‘Temple of Fire.’

Mooji Mala Music emanates from Heart Satsangs with Mooji.
It is true soul music that uplifts the spirit and fills the heart with love and joy. Enjoy!

Mooji Mala Music:
Official Webpage (music & lyrics)
Apple Music
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