Mooji Mooji

The Greatest Treasure in the World For You to Find Is Your Own Heart

5 Mar, 2020 | 1:03:26 | Rishikesh 2020

5 March 2020

“My full heart is here!”

This satsang, so scintillating with power and a sense of urgency from Mooji in his call to our awakening, may prove difficult for any earnest seeker to ignore.

“If you are here on this planet unawake, you are missing your life, in the highest sense. I come to call you back home — a journey without distance. In you, is the perfect state, undiscovered. You must come to discover who and what it is that lives in this body.

You are the same as every awakened being who has come to tell you to wake up. For the one who is earnest and in whose heart is beating this pulse for awakening, your time is now.”