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While each encounter with Moojibaba holds the potential to set one firmly back into one’s original state, Satsang this week carries a particular potency to dispel delusions and take us home. Mooji takes each questioner by the hand and guides them, with full love, attention, wisdom and encouragement, to an even clearer understanding and deeper recognition of what is truly true.
“Your own earnestness and vigilance wins the day. Belief is good, but here we must discover. This is the fruit of the spirit, taste for yourself and see.”
3 May 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Music before Satsang: “Shiva Nataraj” by Martin Rixen
Music after Satsang: “You Saved Our Lives” by Jiří Dosoudil and Rishi, performed by Jiří, Rishi, Hazel and Omkara (not available on an album yet)