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9 March 2019
Rishikesh, India
“Today’s satsang is a very good Satsang, if you grasp it. This is the way home”
While every pointing of Moojibaba carries the ability to awaken us to the Self, this Satsang is a celestial gem of the Rishikesh Satsang season. Moojiji takes questions, one on Self abidance and the other on Self-Inquiry, to the very core of his pointings. Satsang closes with a letter of a devotee who is resting in the fruit of the understanding of what the Master points to and Moojibaba is especially pleased.
“This is consciousness sending a love letter to consciousness. You come to a point of seeing ‘I am that which is here.’ It and here are the same thing. It has to combust into living understanding, pure spirit. You are the Grace subsiding in its own Self. You could be living in a matchbox but your consciousness is universal.
Sit and marinate in this understanding.”
Live music after Satsang: “Life Is a Kirtan” by Mukti and Siddhartha, performed by Mukti, Siddhartha, Neo and Itay