Mooji Mooji

This Satsang is a Profoundly Practical Opportunity for Awakening

6 Nov, 2024 | 2:01:34

'I’m not able to fully offer up this sense of 'my way''

The personal tendencies come for the food of your attention and you are still subscribing to them—you being what?

Your question was created in thought and perishes in seeing.

33 min

Don’t forget the witness!

Use the fire—if the seeing is clean, there’s no need for gasoline.
From the place from where you are looking, where even the function of perception is perceived—by what is it perceived?

22 min

‘It doesn’t matter if the force of the mind subsides or not’. Why?

What is the highest realization and value of a situation? What we are searching for is not to turn every situation into a beautiful experience, but to find out who the experiencer is.

17 min

The thinker of thought is also a thought

“Are you telling me that the one who is thinking the thought is also a thought?” Yes!

21 min

‘I can’t assimilate your questions so quickly’.

Is there not a space where speed doesn’t matter?
Simplicity works. What’s the most simple we can be and still exist?

6 min

If there was never a Satsang after this—where are you standing?

Is there something that needs ‘next time’?
Love is doing everything—it is the one playing all the mistakes and then finding its way and sitting in its own heart. It’s all done by the universal consciousness—all is the play of God, every part of it.

19 min

3 November 2024

Monte Sahaja, Portugal