Mooji Mooji

I Am Nothing — That Is My Highest Joy

2 Feb, 2020 | 1:39:52 | Tiruvannamalai 2020

This spontaneous Satsang from Tiruvannamalai is rich with insights. Moojibaba answers a variety of questions and reminds us in many ways of the beauty and power of our natural, formless state.

“To transcend the worldly level, you must come to that state where you can bear your own shapelessness. You may take shapes, but momentarily, so you are making shapes inside your shapelessness. You are touching the finite inside your infinite-ness. And what joy! You are so happy that this understanding has come to you.

I am nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing! That is my highest joy.”

26 January 2020
Tiruvannamalai, India

Watch more Satsangs from Tiruvannamalai here.