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Satsang with Mooji in Tiruvannamalai
This is the fifth and last of the open Satsangs that Moojibaba offered in January 2020 in Tiruvannamalai. Moojibaba answers questions about free will, doership, and impersonal witnessing. He describes how it is to look and live from formless awareness.
“When no personal standpoint is held so strongly, and everything is seen to be subjective, one comes in a field of total silence and peace.”
The beauty of this satsang peaks when Moojibaba invites everyone to follow him into the Invitation:
“Satsang is only for that, to discard the fiction of yourself. This is the invitation of the invitation — look, reflect, and experience directly. This is liberation: to know what you are.”
26 January 2020
Music after Satsang: “Temple of Fire“ and “Grace Is Falling” from the album Temple of Fire by Shivali (available on mooji.org)