Mooji Mooji

We Came to This World to Awaken to the Eternal

8 Sep, 2024 | 2:00:51

Grace is responding to your deeper ‘yes.’

If the person is being spoken about, it must imply that there is something more subtle than person. Before you entered into form, the Supreme whispered something deep inside your being. Now it’s time to remember and awaken to it. Keep the fire of yearning to respond to grace. This call and response is coming from within you – it begins with faith and trust. Develop a little discipline, because grace is responding to your deeper ‘yes.’

15 min

Detachment opens doors without a key

The grip of the identity is dissolving under the light of grace and you feel it. This is why a power comes from within you to encourage you to carry on. Your saved up questions, if you listen in the right way, will perish in the light of true seeing. Detachment is a very powerful exercise for the sadhaka — it opens doors without a key.

15 min

The real ‘here’ is pure bliss and total contentment

The real here is synonymous with pure bliss, total contentment. All beings are searching for the same thing—rest. There is something that is even greater than rest, and is not a thing perceived through the senses. That which eternally exists, is ever blessed within Itself.

13 min

The one medicine for everything — observe with detachment

The strength of your mind is the strength of your identity at the moment. The Self you are trying to find is the one thing you cannot not be, but you must be awake to it. Let’s not just treat the symptoms but the identity. What is the medicine for identity? Observe and see it is also traffic. This is the one medicine for everything.

26 min

Ego Is the Dream in God’s Cinema

Is it strenuous effort or clear, persistent seeing? What each one appears to be searching for is already so. And that which you are not, can never be. This is the great paradox and mystery… but for who? Ego is the main character in God’s play but he is a character. The dreamer is also being dreamed. If it is a dream, does the dream not also include the dreamer?

10 min

Even within the non-phenomenal, the phenomenal can still be there

When you realise a thing to be not true, you stop seeing it. You have to become universal again, where the story of the person can be there but it’s non-phenomenal. In the non-phenomenal, the phenomenal can all be there. Words, thoughts and feelings are emanating out of the great silence — the Self.

8 min

A show without end, but some transcend

How can that which is everywhere be seen? That which sees even seeing, is located where? These are now introspections. What is it like within? Here, in the great ether of the Supreme, what is your currency?

7 min

You beyond ‘you’

Love is manifesting even as maya. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Greater is that within you which is synonymous with yourself. The real you — you beyond ‘you’.

2 min

Open your heart to the immensity of the Grace of God.

Just offer your heart to this. If your heart is not offered, you will go nowhere. Open your heart up to the immensity of the Grace of God, and you are never out of sight until you attain harmony with It. Universal consciousness totally supports you. Your will and your wish are the most powerful tools God gives you.

6 min

Closing words and blessing

What a great thing that we came into this world to awaken to the Eternal and that you are conscious of it.

7 min

8 September 2024

Monte Sahaja, Portugal