Mooji Mooji

What I Have Shared With You Is the Truth

27 Feb, 2019 | 2:14:37 | Rishikesh 2019

27 February 2019
Rishikesh, India

This Satsang is essential for those who are new to Moojibaba’s pointings and those who have been following for some time alike.

Moojibaba brings us to the quintessence of his sharing—to recognise we are not the fickle, changing person, but the stable and abiding ‘I Am’ presence. The Satsang unfolds into many beautiful biographical stories and anecdotes, and ends with a very beautiful guided meditation into the experience of our true being.

“This is not a belief, it is your blessedness. What I have shared with you is the Truth.

Marinate in this and welcome your Self — that is true Self-respect.”


Live music after Satsang: “The Door Is Open” by Mor Saporta