Mooji Mooji

When You Know Who You Are, the Mind Is No Match For You

22 Apr, 2018 | 2:36:23

Tea Satsang with Moojibaba
Broadcast live from Monte Sahaja, Portugal
22 April 2018

In this very beautiful Tea Satsang, a time when Moojibaba reads through some of the letters that have been sent in, a range of questions serve to clarify and deepen many aspects of Self-Inquiry. Topics come up related to mind attacks, strong energies, resistances and letting go of identity.

Moojiji speaks about how the Invitation along with the Self-Inquiry is like a “double bazooka”, and that whatever position the mind takes, we can witness this from the mountaintop of our own being. Moojiji guides us beautifully to confirm our place as the Is-ness itself and encourages us to stay in this confirmation.

Music after Satsang:

“On the Way to the Beloved” by Karuna
Available on the album, The Calling