
Wonderful Is Too Small a Word For What You Are

12 May, 2019 | 1:01:53 | Retreat Highlights

This powerful Satsang excerpt covers many topics—transcending the desire to succeed in the world, overcoming mind attacks, why it seems easy for some to wake up whereas others take a long time to come into understanding… Moojibaba offers clear and direct guidance out of the mind’s doubts and confusion, into the heart of the ‘Is-ness,’ our truest Self.

“You seem to have some doubts about yourself, whereas I don’t have doubts about you. I have no doubts about what you are.

Maybe even ‘wonderful’ is too small a word for what you are. There’s no word… it is indescribable. There’s a great peace here, but it’s not just peace. It’s more than peace. It’s more than free.

I can say what I’m not, but what I am I cannot say—I can only be.”

26 February 2018
Lisbon, Portugal


Music after Satsang: “This Love Is God” by Omkara, available on the album “Into the Deep Blue” by Mooji Mala