Mooji Mooji

You Are Being Drawn Into Your Own Essence

8 Mar, 2019 | 2:19:37 | Rishikesh 2019

8 March 2019
Rishikesh, India

As the Satsangs in Rishikesh draw to a close, Moojibaba urges us to “Come like it’s your last day!” He points out how the only thing that can stop these pointings from fully coming alive in our hearts is if we give too much important and attentions to the fickle doubts which arise from the mind.

When one participant steps forward to share a beautiful testimonial, Mooji points out that this is the fruit of real understanding.

“This is the fruit of the tree of God. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit, and a good tree cannot bear bad fruit. Even if you don’t speak, this grace will flow from your pores.

God doesn’t give, God offers — you must receive.”


Live music before Satsang: Improvisation on violin by Igor Malewicz

Live music after Satsang: “Come As You Are” by Tara, performed by Tara & Igor Malewicz