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Live broadcast of Open Satsang with Mooji from Rishikesh, India>
Recorded on 3 March 2017
The Satsang starts beautifully with a woman – crying and laughing – thanking Moojiji for allowing her to be empty. Moojibaba talks about the temptation of Christ and the ways of the mind trying to block our deliverance. In other questions about resistance and mind, Moojiji guides two of the participants beyond the limitations of the mind into release and laughter. There is also a question about the suffering in the world where Moojiji points out that what is needed is a change of heart – a return to Truth.
A very good Satsang that shows with openness it is possible to let go of resistance and mind-block.
Music played before Satsang: “By Your Grace” by Mooji Sangha
Live music played before Satsang:
Karuna playing Duduk/Armenian flute
Live music after Satsang:
‘Door of my Heart’ by Bhagavati (this song is on the album ‘By Your Grace‘)
Courtesy of Mooji Foundation.