
You Check In and Ego Checks Out

27 Feb, 2020 | 2:16:38 | Rishikesh 2020

27 February 2020

During this satsang, a seeker brings forward a question about free will and about the tendency to want to control life too much and not being able to surrender. Moojibaba offers a guidance on observing with detachment, a precious introduction to satsang and Self-awareness.

Moojibaba’s interactions with other questioners touch on vigilance, and discerning between the impersonal ‘I’ and the personal sense of self.

“Self-awareness is what you are longing for. It is weakening the sense of the personal self.

Resting in your own radiance, what is time for you? What is wealth for you? What is reputation? Don’t entertain the psychology of the mind. Look, see, and make use of — don’t over-nourish the play of personhood, it’s always going somewhere else.”


Live music after Satsang: “Forever You” by Omkara & Gotama (not available on an album). Lyrics from ‘The Mala of God’ by Mooji.

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