Mooji Mooji

You Say, “I’m Ready” — I Say, “You Are Already”

29 Feb, 2020 | 2:32:07 | Rishikesh 2020

29 February 2020

Moojibaba continues to show us what truly exists by clearing up our misconceptions about ourselves and the ideas we hold about a spiritual awakening. Mooji emphasises that his teachings are simple, and this particular Satsang is full of simple instructions and directives, which can lead one to a clear recognition.

“You say that you could let the words go and stay only in the seeing — and for me that is already universal consciousness. No need to add to that, and I tell you, it may seem over simplistic a statement, maybe even naive, but it works.

Be patient, pay attention and see that something as simple as this yields such great fruit and somehow you feel so well in your being, and you have no attraction to superficial thinking, just you are here. And there’s an urge moving in you, and you are again awakening your intuitive powers.

Naturally, just out of self-attention.”


Live music after Satsang: “Moojibaba Namo Namah” by Shivaratri Café, performed by Amit Dhiman, Khan Sahab & Omkara Piazza, from the album “This Night We Will Not Sleep” by Shivaratri Café, available at