Mooji Mooji

Ziya ~ Ghunghat Ke Pat Khol

4 Nov, 2024 | 07:35 | Sangha Music

Ghunghat Ke Pat Khol is a poem by Saint Kabir, and was one of the favourite songs of Papaji, Moojibaba’s Master. On Papaji Jayanti, Ziya sang this soft, stirring melody, which urges each one to remove thy veil, and see thy Beloved.

Translation of Lyrics:

Remove thy veil
and you will see thy Beloved.

Do not be proud of your wealth and youth
for they will pass one day.

In the temple of emptiness,
light a lamp of your earnestness.
Do not waver from your abidance in true Being.

Very carefully, enter the palace of your own heart.
And you will find the priceless diamond which is here and Now.

Says Kabir, there is unfathomable peace, joy, and bliss,
here in the unstruck sound of the silence within.

~ Saint Kabir

Mooji Mala Music emanates from Heart Satsangs with Mooji. It is true soul music that uplifts the spirit and fills the heart with love and joy. Enjoy!

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